Call for Applications: NWIB Visiting Professors Programme 2025/2026

The NWIB Visiting Professors Program offers assistant professors, associate professors and full professors at participating universities (see below) a unique opportunity to work undisturbed in an inspiring and stimulating environment. This program enables you to stay at one of the five Netherlands Scientific Institutes Abroad (NWIBs) for a period of three months to conduct research, give lectures and contribute to the intellectual climate at the Institute.

The NWIBs are in Florence, Rome, St. Petersburg, Athens and Cairo:

* Due to current restrictions, professorships are not available at the Netherlands Institute in Saint Petersburg.

Target Group

The program is open to assistant professors, associate professors, and full professors at one of the following universities:

  • Radboud University
  • University of Groningen
  • University of Amsterdam
  • Leiden University
  • Utrecht University
  • Vrije Universiteit

Scientists from all disciplines are welcome. However, in all cases there must be a link between your research proposal on the one hand and the activities and geographic focus of the NWIB of your choice on the other.

What does this program entail? 

The program offers the opportunity to conduct research for a maximum period of three months and to contribute to the intellectual climate at the Institute of your choice by organizing scientific activities, such as a conference, guest lectures or a master class on a topic of your choice – all in line with your own proposal.

Each Institute offers an inspiring environment and invites researchers and scholars to discuss their findings and views while benefitting from the Institute’s unique research facilities, as well as its local and international academic network.

Which costs are reimbursed? 

Your university reimburses the travel and subsistence expenses. Travel costs are reimbursed based on the actual costs of one economy class return ticket; subsistence costs are reimbursed according to the rules that apply at your university. Check the details of these reimbursement rules with your local contact (see below).

Most NWIBs offer housing at their premises and if this is the case you are expected to make use of it. Note that these facilities are not fit to host families, but just single visitors. More information on housing is available on specific NWIBs websites. At the Institute you will have your own workplace and free access to the library and other facilities.

It is your own responsibility to obtain a leave of absence from your department. Salary costs are not reimbursed.

What is the application deadline? 

The application deadline is 15 March 2025.You must submit your proposal through the application form by emailing it to the director of the NWIB of your choice (please check the Institute website for contact details) and a copy to the NWIB Secretariat ( for a period of max. 3 months in autumn 2025 or spring 2026. Note that KNIR only offers visiting professorships in spring.

Approximately around 1 May, 2025 you will be notified whether your proposal has been accepted by the NWIB of your choice. Some institutes use a reserve list for the event selected professors have to cancel their intended stay at the institute.

How are the submitted applications selected? 

A selection committee consisting of three persons, chaired by the director of the relevant Institute, will select two candidates each year. The committee decides based on the following selection criteria:

  • research topic’s relevancy to the areas of focus promoted by the Institute
  • innovative nature, impact and feasibility of proposed research
  • motivation for a residency at the Institute
  • quality and structure of the proposed work
  • nature of contribution to the teaching activities and intellectual interaction at the Institute

Each Institute offers two visiting professorship positions annually, hence a total of ten positions for all five Institutes are available, with a maximum of three positions per university per year.


Please contact the responsible contact person at your university:

Future Calls

In the event you are interested in applying for the program after the period ‘25/’26 send a mail to your contact person above to receive future calls.