Accademia del Disegno | Een cursus in Florence en Parijs over de theorie en praktijk van de tekenkunst (1300-1800)
In deze tweedelige cursus, georganiseerd door het Nederlands Interuniversitair Kunsthistorisch Instituut (NIKI) in Florence en de Fondation Custodia – Collectie Frits Lugt (FC) in Parijs, staan de theorie en praktijk van de tekenkunst tussen de vijftiende en de negentiende eeuw centraal.
Minor Italian Art & History in Florence (NIKI) and Rome (KNIR) in 2025-2026
The Minor program Italian Art & History, hosted and financed by the Dutch University Institute for Art History (NIKI) in Florence and the Royal Netherlands Institute (KNIR) in Rome, offers the opportunity to do so to a group of motivated students from Dutch universities, allowing them to work with a large variety of methodologies in order to understand present-day Italy through its historical developments, as well as stimulating them to critically assess their disciplinary orientation in a cross-disciplinary context.
Utrecht Summer School 2025: The Art of Renaissance in Florence and Rome
Florence, originally founded by the Romans, was governed by the Medici family for centuries. Most of them had a passionate interest in painting, sculpture, architecture, and literature. Still Florence keeps an exceptional artistic heritage, which is marvelous evidence of its aged culture. This course offers students the opportunity to study the works of art from the Renaissance period, while staying in Florence.
New Course 25 March – 7 April 2025: From Leonardo to Steno Art, science and religion in Tuscany (1500-1700)
In this pioneering course, we will explore previously unexplored territory. How did late-renaissance scientists and artists navigate between biblical and ancient texts, and their own observations? How did they negotiate between received scholarly and pictorial traditions and their own – often conflicting – observations?
OSK-Niki Winter School: Framing the Fragment: (Un)finished histories of Florence (January 3-12, 2025)
This one-week course offers an unconventional approach to the study of Florentine art history. We will turn a blind eye to the usual art historical suspects, and instead focus on the incomplete, neglected, and non-canonical artefacts from Medieval times and the Renaissance to Modernist art and architecture in Florence.
Summer Course Leonardo | The tension between theory & practice (21 July – 1 August 2025)
An in-depth study of the drawings, paintings, and writings of Leonardo da Vinci (Vinci 1452-Amboise, France 1519). This course seeks to define the relationship between Leonardo’s development as a painter and his scientific research.
De wereld van Botticelli: kunstenaars, opdrachtgevers, humanisten (1-9 maart 2025)
Deze cursus, die open staat voor studenten in BA jaar 2 en 3 en (Res)MA studenten van een van de deelnemende Nederlandse universiteiten, onderzoekt Sandro Botticelli’s interacties met collega’s, opdrachtgevers en humanisten. De cursus vindt plaats van 1 tot 9 maart 2025.
The Art of Drawing (applications closed)
This two-part course for MA/PhD students and junior curators is an intensive introduction to the art of drawing from the 15th to the 19th century that is divided between a week at the NIKI in Florence (29 Aug-4 Sep 2022) and a week at the Fondation Custodia in Paris (2-8 Jan 2023).
Utrecht Summer School 2024: The Art of Renaissance in Florence and Rome (next edition in July 2025)
Florence, originally founded by the Romans, was governed by the Medici family for centuries. Most of them had a passionate interest in painting, sculpture, architecture, and literature. Still Florence keeps an exceptional artistic heritage, which is marvelous evidence of its aged culture. This course offers students the opportunity to study the works of art from the Renaissance period, while staying in Florence. The next edition will take place in July 2025.
NIKI-Zomercursus: Leonardo da Vinci
In deze cursus voor Bachelor en Masterstudenten wordt Leonardo da Vinci’s werkwijze als tekenaar en schilder bestudeerd tegen de achtergrond van de traditionele Florentijnse werkplaatspraktijken en de regels die hij ten aanzien van het onderwijs in de teken- en schilderkunst heeft geschreven. Studenten verblijven van 16 tot en met 27 augustus 2022 op het instituut.