This two-part course is an intensive introduction to the art of drawing from the 15th to the 19th century that is divided between a week at the NIKI in Florence and a week at the Fondation Custodia in Paris. The number of participants is limited to 10 to enable excursions, lectures, and discussions in a stimulating colloquium form. The unique concentration of important museums and private art collections, make Florence and Paris ideal locations for students to deepen their knowledge of the art of drawing through a combination of theory and practice that is often lacking in academic courses. Thus lecture-based classes on, for instance, the role of drawing in the education of the artist and concept of ‘disegno’ in art literature will alternate with visits to the department of Prints and Drawings of the Gallerie degli Uffizi, Casa Buonarroti, Musée du Louvre, École des Beaux-Arts, and to the Fondation Custodia. During these visits students will examine a selection of drawings of old masters in the presence of a curator and leading experts. The institutes in Florence and Paris possess outstanding libraries enabling students to prepare classes and conduct research for their paper and presentation.
Students will stay at the NIKI from 29 August until 4 September 2022 and in Paris from 2 until 8 January 2023.
For whom?: MA students, PhD students, junior curators (under the age of 35) who wish to (further) specialize in the art of drawing.
Language: Dutch/English (depending on the participation of foreign students).
For more on how to apply and the full course program, click here (pdf).
Deadline for application is 1 May 2022.
Dutch University Institute for Art History
Viale Torricelli 5
50125 Florence, Italy
phone +39055221612
opening hours: Mon-Fri 9.00-17.30